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If you have experienced:

Sexual harassment, Sexual misconduct, Domestic violence, Dating violence, and/or Stalking

Call or text the SART hotline 970.270.5895.

Sexual violence has far-reaching effects on a student's life from safety and health to family, 学校, and work situations. It is Colorado Mesa University's policy to provide for the safety and security of all members of its campus community. CMU's Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) supports complainants of sexual violence (defined as any act of sexual contact without consent or without legal consent) by assessing and addressing their needs.

Our responders' first priority is to ensure that students are safe and provide support services, including access to medical aid, connecting complainants with a campus advocate, and supplying alternative housing options and academic assistance.

Students have the option of maintaining confidentiality by engaging in counseling services at the Student Wellness Center at (970) 644-3740 or by making an anonymous reports on the SART hotline or:


Students can also can make discrete reports that involve a basic interview with the police, Director of 校园安全 or our 第九条 coordinator as part of an investigation.

For more information, contact the 第九条 Coordinator at (电子邮件保护) or read more in the CMU 特立独行的指南